1158 180th Ave.

Magnolia MN. 56158



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    Isoweans/Feeder Pigs/Market hogs


   We started in the "high health" industry in 1997. Our facility has been designed for the best truck entry/exit onto our site, as well as wash bay flow. Two wash bays give us the flexibility to do a good wash or an excellent bio-wash. We work directly with our customers and their staff weekly regarding the health status of what we are hauling. This helps us keep our site as disease free as possible.

  We haul isoweans and feeders out of Canada daily. We understand the risk of border crossings, where a high concentration of pigs are, while maintaining high level of bio-security.

   We also haul market hogs, feeder pigs, cull sows, all over the U.S., and to local packing plants.

Our equipment is purchased specifically for certain runs, sizes of loads/pigs, and customer input. We have panel kits on every trailer. The internal designs are built with washing, and bio-security in mind.


    Our main focus is biosecurity and transportation of isoweans and feeder pigs to and from sow farms and nurseries.  Our site is designed to allow dirty trailers to enter one way in, and clean trailers exit another driveway. 

    We have two 32 x 100 wash bays, with seperate access from each other which allows the second bay to be our “clean bay”.  The first bay is equipped with two fire hoses, two power washers, with a pit located behind the bay in a separate room limiting the potential for cross contamination from one trailer to the next.


    Trailers that are required by customer then go to the “clean bay” and can be pressure washed, disinfected and dried.  (A “baking system” is in our future plans.) 


    We work with some of the largest pork producers in the world and have for several years giving us year round work which helps keep good drivers.